1st – 8th Grade Recreational Soccer
Our neighborhood-based recreational soccer program is offered in the fall and spring. Volunteer parents coach teams and practice 1-2 times per week in the fall, starting in late August, with Saturday games. In the spring, there are no practices; teams show up to their games on the weekends.
Spring 2025 recreational soccer registration is OPENING SOON!
Game dates: Coming Soon!
Spring Cost: $120.00
United PDX Recreational teams (NEU, RCU, BSC) are formed by grade 1st Grade (U7) through 8th Grade (U14)
- Roster availability, including the balance of the roster. The Registrar follows the guidelines outlined in the PYSA Registrar’s Manual to determine roster size.
- Registration Date.
- Coach, player, or team request.
- If a player requests a coach/player that cannot be accommodated due to a full roster, the registrar will place the player on a team that needs players.
- A waitlist will be created if rosters are full.
For U7 teams (forming for spring), the Registrar follows the following process for team assignment:
- Coaches paired with Assistant Coaches and their child player.
- Player requests according to the registration date.
- Roster size.
- School affiliation
If an assigned player decides to withdraw their registration, thereby creating a spot on a team that was requested by players to join, the Registrar will reassign/assign players by the earliest registration date, AND the player has requested to play for the team.
Absolute Minimums:
U7: 6 players
U8: 8 players
U9-U10: 7 Players
U11-U12: 9 players
U13-U18: 11 players
Target Roster Size:
U7: 10 players
U8: 12 players
U9-U10: 12 players
U11-U12: 14 players
U13-U14: 16 players
U7: 12 players
U8: 14 players
U9-U10: 14 players
U11-12: 18 players
U13-U14: 18 players
Questions? Please contact the United PDX Recreational Director, Justan Wolvert: wolvert.unitedpdx@gmail.com
FAQs for Rec Parents
At United PDX our top priority is returning to play in a safe manner with proper guidelines in place recommended by the CDC, Oregon Health Authority, USYSA, OYSA, & OSAA. We ask that our coaches, players, and parents understand and adhere to the guidelines put in place. These recommendations do not supersede or replace any applicable local, state, regional or federal health guidelines or requirements. Guidelines are subject to change based on new information provided within the different phases of re-opening.
Recreational teams are formed by grade – first grade (U7) through eighth grade (U14). Our Mighty Mites program is designed for Preschool (U5) and Kindergarten (U6) players.
Yes, when registering players have the opportunity to request teammates, a coach, and a team. We do our best to accommodate requests while following our team formation policy. Registering early helps.
Players who don’t have specific teammate, team, or coach requests will be assigned to teams according to our team formation policy.
Teams typically begin forming in May for the fall of the players first-grade year. Registration opens May 1st and closes late July. All teams are coached by volunteer coaches. Please consider volunteering with your child’s team. See Coach FAQs if you are interested in coaching. If you have a group of players who would like to form a team please contact polte.unitedpdx@gmail.com.
You will receive a confirmation email to the email address provided at registration. Please be certain to double-check your spam/junk email folders. Please contact polte.unitedpdx@gmail.com if you do NOT receive a confirmation email after completing registration.
No, nothing additional is needed. Your volunteer coach will contact you before the season begins.
Team assignments are finalized after regular registration closes usually at the end of July for Fall and beginning of March for spring. You will receive an email notifying you of your team assignment within two weeks after registration closes.
Fall Only – no practices for spring.
Coaches choose practice times and locations from a list of available fields. NEU and RCU teams practice in Northeast Portland and Bridlemile teams practice at or near Bridlemile school on the west side. First and second grade teams usually practice once a week older teams twice a week. Practices are held during the week with games on the weekend. Your coach should contact you by the third week in August with that information.
In the fall teams usually play 7 games on Saturdays beginning in September. Spring season usually consists of 6 Saturday games beginning in April. Games are played on fields located throughout Portland. The schedule is usually available from PYSA by the end of August for the fall season and the third week in March for spring season.
Soccer cleats, shin guards, black shorts, soccer socks, a soccer ball, and a uniform jersey.
U7 size 3 ball, U8-U12 size 4 ball, U13-U14 size 5 ball.
Uniforms can be purchased at any Tursi’s Soccer location:
West Portland
8805 SW Canyon Lane
Portland, OR 97225
Tigard (Inside Rose City Futsal West)
10831 SW Cascade Ave
Suite A
Tigard, OR 97223
East Portland (Inside Rose City Futsal)
5010 NE Oregon St
Suite A
Portland, OR 97213
Check their website for store hours, or order your uniforms online at, www.tursissoccer.com.
Players assigned to an RCU team should purchase a red RCU jersey, black shorts, and red socks. Players assigned to an NEU team should purchase a blue NEU jersey, black shorts, and blue socks. Players assigned to a Bridlemile PDX team should purchase a black jersey, black shorts, and black socks.
Players who attend Alameda, Sabin, Madeleine, Vernon, Faubion, and Beaumont or live in those areas are usually assigned to NEU teams. Players who attend Roseway Heights, Lee, Scott, Vestal and Rigler or live in those areas are usually assigned to RCU teams. Players who attend Bridlemile, or live in the area, will be assigned to a Bridlemile team.
Yes, assistance is available for members who qualify for the National School Lunch Program (Free or Reduced School Lunch) or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Qualifying members may use coupon code 519797 to receive 50% off. If members need assistance beyond the 50% fee reduction, please contact our Recreational Director, Justan Wolvert, at wolvert.unitedpdx@gmail.com and include a brief need description.
Get on the Bus Code: 641844
Recreational player fees will be refunded less a cancellation fee of $25 until team rosters are posted. After rosters are posted player fees are no longer refundable. Players who register after regular registration closes may be charged a $15 late registration fee. In the event that the fall 2021 recreational season is canceled due to COVID – 19 registration fees will be refunded.
FAQs for Rec Coaches
All recreational teams are coached by volunteers. Most coaches are parents of a player on the team. Each team is required to have at least two volunteers present at all times. No adult should ever be alone with a child.
Thank you! We’re always looking for enthusiastic coaches – some soccer background is helpful but not required. We are part of PYSA they have practice plans and free coaching clinics. Please see their website www.portlandyouthsoccer.com. If you can’t coach but still want to volunteer, please register as team manager to organize snacks and an end-of-season party.
Great! Our volunteers are our most valuable asset. If you are interested in forming a new team please contact polte.unitedpdx@gmail.com. If you are interested in volunteering with an existing team please register as a coach/volunteer through our website.
All adult volunteers must be registered and clear a background check. Coaches/Team Managers will have the opportunity to sign up as a volunteer and submit background check information when registering a player. If you don’t have a child participating or decide to coach after registering your child please use the Register Now button to log into your account and then select Volunteer.
Yes, coaches are required to register every spring and fall season.
Yes, equipment will be provided to you. You can collect equipment at the coaches meeting in early August or contact Erik Miller at miller.unitedpdx@gmail.com.Yes, equipment will be provided to you. You can collect equipment at the coaches meeting in early August or contact Erik Miller at miller.unitedpdx@gmail.com.
Fall Only – no practices for spring.
Coaches choose practice times and locations from a list of available fields located in Northeast Portland or near Bridlemile. First and second grade teams usually practice once a week older teams twice a week. Practices are held during the week with games on the weekend. You will be able to choose your practice time/location at the coaches meeting in early August.
For additional information regarding recreational soccer please see PYSA’s website: http://www.portlandyouthsoccer.com
Other questions? Please contact polte.unitedpdx@gmail.com
For additional information regarding recreational soccer please see PYSA’s website: http://www.portlandyouthsoccer.com
Other questions? Please contact wolvert.unitedpdx@gmail.com
For practice plans and additional information regarding coaching recreational soccer:
Portland Youth Soccer Association www.portlandyouthsoccer.com look under COACHES
Other questions? Please contact wolvert.unitedpdx@gmail.com
This program is for players in 1st – 8th Grade.
Teams are coached by parent volunteers.
Neighborhood Teams
Teams consist of players who live in the same neighborhood.
Team Schedule
Teams practice 1-2 times a week with Saturday games in the fall, no practices, and just a Saturday game in the spring.